Jonny’s Cult Films: The Decline

A fatal accident at a remote survivalist training camp sends participants into a panic – and sets the stage for a chilling showdown.

Director: Patrice Laliberté

Writers: Charles Dionne, Nicolas Krief 

Stars: Marc Beaupré, Réal Bossé, Marilyn Castonguay 

Hello Folks,

Hope your’e all keeping safe. I came across The Decline whilst bored the other day and adding a ton of stuff to my Netflix list, The thing is with Netflix i always find it a pain in the arse to find good stuff and there are some great international movies if you do a bit of digging, I found The Decline and it had good reviews and a story line i always like, I do have a soft spot for remote survival based horror so it ticked my boxes so i decided to give it a go and after watching The Room i needed something good and this certainly was.

It starts off with a family practising an escape plan to see how long it would take to escape in the wake of a disaster, This disaster is not a virus like we are experiencing but a natural climate disaster with ice melting, Communities disappearing and migrants/immigrants basically coming to take what is yours and what you would need to survive, We then see Alain who  releases survival tips videos online on how to survive in the on coming days of doom, He also runs a survivalist weekend where those folks who get chosen get to spend a whole weekend as we see later setting snares, Traps, Loading weapons and even bomb making, Alain ain’t messing about, He takes it very very seriously indeed!

We get introduced to the various characters on the weekend and their backgrounds, When one of the exercises goes wrong it’s down hill from there on in and it’s pretty relentless. A short running time of 1hr 25mins is pretty spot on as it never seemed to drag in my opinion, The landscapes and some of the overhead shots are stunning, It does have a fair share of gore and when it does come it’s shocking, There are also some great twists which i personally didn’t see coming, So if you get chance i know it’s on Netflix here in the UK but not sure about overseas but please seek it out it’s a solid watch. I would also say as a final note that i watched the trailer after i had watched the film and i would say don’t watch it as it does contain some slight spoilers!


Jonny T


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